Kunstmuseum Reutlingen

Die Bewertung der Kunst - Works from the Kienzle Collection

Ketty La Rocca, Jack Goldstein, Klaus Merkel und Josef Kramhöller

December 10, 2022 - May 14, 2023

Fabian Ginsberg
Size: 120 Pages, 20 x 27,5 cm
Language: German / English

Concept: Ina Dinter and Fabian Ginsberg

Translation: Juliana Ramm
Proof-Reading: Good & Cheap Art Translators
Design: Laura Catania
Production: Charlotte Riggert, DISTANZ Verlag


The book documents and expands on the exhibition “The Evaluation of Art,” which brings together four artistic works, each reflecting in a different way on the crisis of representation. In their comparison, the author develops a historicity of the critique of representation that reveals antecedents and alternative conceptualizations in comparison to the central exhibition “Pictures” at the Artist’s Space in New York in 1977.
Works by Jack Goldstein, Ketty La Rocca, Josef Kramhöller, and Klaus Merkel represent various stages between 1970 and 2000 in which the connection between representation, images, and reality is loosened and reconnected.
The works come from the Kienzle Art Foundation, which for years has been committed to the remeasurement and reassessment of art historical theorizing in exhibitions and publications.
Fabian Ginsberg is an artist and author.



This publication can be ordered at Kienzle Art Foundation for the price of 34 Euro (includes shipping and packaging).