Julia Eichler

lives and works in Berlin and Frankfurt/Main

Privatprobleme | 2019 | (wax, silicone, wood, four wheels), text first silicone-element: youtube streaming, text second silicone-element: advertising slogan of Sun Potion. Transformational Foods.brand |

92 x 47 x 45 cm

Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin, "Privatprobleme", a sculpture by Julia Eichler from the Kienzle Collection

Privatprobleme | 2019 | (wax, silicone, wood, four wheels), text first silicone-element: youtube streaming, text second silicone-element: advertising slogan of Sun Potion. Transformational Foods.brand |

92 x 47 x 45 cm

Privatprobleme | 2019 | (wax, silicone, wood, four wheels), text first silicone-element: youtube streaming, text second silicone-element: advertising slogan of Sun Potion. Transformational Foods.brand |

92 x 47 x 45 cm

92 x 47 x 45 cm

Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin, a work by Julia Eichler from the Kienzle Collection

Privatprobleme | 2019 | (wax, silicone, wood, four wheels), text first silicone-element: youtube streaming, text second silicone-element: advertising slogan of Sun Potion. Transformational Foods.brand |

92 x 47 x 45 cm

92 x 47 x 45 cm

Nachmittag im Atelier | 2018 | (latex), cast | 125 x 60 x 150 cm

Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin, "Nachmittag im Atelier", sculpture by Julia Eichler from the Kienzle Collection

Nachmittag im Atelier | 2018 | (latex), cast | 125 x 60 x 150 cm

Nachmittag im Atelier | 2018 | (latex), cast | 125 x 60 x 150 cm

Kienzle Art Foundation Berlin, "Nachmittag im Atelier", a sculpture by Julia Eichler from the Kienzle Collection

Nachmittag im Atelier | 2018 | (latex), cast | 125 x 60 x 150 cm